Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Beat-Boxing Lessons

These events occured last weekend, but this still stands out in my mind as my favorite moment in the Czech so far.

Our original plan was to have a soccer tournament with some children from kid's homes (a sort-of orphanage) and a few gypsy boys, but the harsh effects of winter kept many of the out-of-area children home.

Our next plan was to split our team into two groups-- one with go sledding with some youth group children; the other would play pool with the gypsy boys. I was in the second group. As it turned out, the place where we were supposed to play pool was closed that afternoon, so instead we went to Joanie's house as plan C.

The gypsy boys were not what I expected. As 13-14 year old adolesents, they were far more outgoing and grown than their age suggested. During introductions, they explained that they loved sports and music; especially hip-hop and rap.

It was at this time that one of the boys pulled out a guitar and sang a gypsy song in his own language. I wish you could have heard it. To say that it was moving and beautiful would not do it justice.

But what really caught me off guard was their true passion-- beatboxing. Yes, their voices acted as perfect percussion instruments as one or two rapped along. It was a truly unique and hilarious experience.

My hope is that you will pray for these boys. They are so energetic, positive, and full of life. My hope is that they will follow after good role models instead of the mainstream American rap atrists they follow. Please pray that these boys will continue to open up their hearts to God and allow for His influence over a more worldly one.

Please also continue to pray for these divinely-set meetings-- our "Plan C" was not just a coincidence or a back-up plan on God's part, and I know that now. God's first choice for us is not always ours, and I am so glad for that.

Samantha Stevens (for my Czech-mates)

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