Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11

It has been another typical day in the Czech Republic. Teaching English classes in the morning, passing out flyers for several upcoming events, running gym classes in the afternoon and shoveling the ice off several homes so the roofs don't collapse are just a few of the day's events.

By far the highlight of my day was the opportunity to visit with an elderly Czech woman just down the sidewalk. The boys had shoveled off her roof earlier today and Joanie had mentioned that a couple of us might stop by later on. Even though she uses walking sticks, she walked on the snow covered sidewalks to the store to buy fresh bread just for the three of us who visited. She was one of the most precious women ever. Just this woman alone was not what made me pick this as the day's highlights. What sealed the deal was watching the way Joanie interacted with her and loves her. Joanie had only met the woman this past November and "randomly" at that. Needing a place to store games and youth supplies, Joanie had been looking for a garage to rent because her apartment didn't have room for everything. She had been looking for awhile and then saw an ad for this woman's garage. A month and a half later and we are in her little bedroom/living room sitting at a card table that had a feast on it. Elizabeth and I talked with her through Joanie's translating for quite a while. But out of the conversation tonight and Joanie's previous interactions, the woman excitedly told us she would be coming to an 'Enchalada' night we will be having right across the street from her apartment. At this night the local Czech pastor will be presenting the gospel. What an opportunity! It's all about the little everyday opportunities that God puts in front of us, steadfast love and soaking things in prayer. Joanie didn't have to use words to illustrate this, she is living it out.

Please be praying that we can follow in the same pattern... making the most of opportunities, love and prayer.
Pray for the woman's heart to be softened.
Pray for team unity.
Pray that our hearts would be opened to what God is trying to show us.

Abby Haverdink- for the Czech team

1 comment:

  1. hello Czech team! I just wanted to let you know that everyone is praying for you back home as you minister there! It is encouraging to see how God is at work in other parts of the world other than Upland. May God be with you all! love, Crystal Moyer

    ps. tell Drew I say hey!
