Sunday, November 8, 2009

T Minus Two Months

Today is November 8, which means that our team has a little less than two months before we are on a plane to the Czech Republic!

Realizing this brings both excitement and a little bit of apprehension to how we are feeling. For the past couple weeks our team has been putting together ideas for English lessons, options for games to play in PE classes and topics for presentation nights in the village where we will be staying. Though this process is coming together, the chance to plan for January is where the apprehension comes in. Will we be able to prepare adequately in the next couple months? Would we be able to even if there was more time? At some point when we are in the Czech Republic something will come up (a question, an activity or event) for which most of us will probably not be fully prepared and somehow it'll have to be dealt with.

Jesus says that we are not to worry about what to say or how we are to say it. In Matthew 10:19-20 Jesus says "At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you."

There is assurance that covers our inadequacies, whether we are unsure of what to say, what lesson plan to follow or what type of game to play, again the Spirit gives evidence that we are not alone or on our own.

1 comment:

  1. Time is ticking and we are hard at work planning!! God...we need your strength! :)
